Wholeness Through Christ began in the mid 1970’s and became a registered charity in 1984, holding prayer counselling retreats in different centres throughout the UK and overseas. A few years later this changed from counselling to prayer ministry, as it was realised there is only one person who truly knows us and all we have been through in our lives. Our creator, a wonderful counsellor, God our Heavenly Father. He alone knows what things in our lives need to be brought to the surface and receive His healing.
All of this was mainly centred on helping Christians to allow the Holy Spirit to highlight the things in their lives which were holding them back from moving into release and freedom and become the people they are created to be.
Jesus came to all mankind to bring His love, healing and restoration. We therefore opened retreats to anyone who wanted to attend.
So where is Wholeness Through Christ now? We are not a people who retreat, but a people who move out bringing the love and healing Jesus gives. Retreats are costly and time away is not possible for everyone, men, women and children. This is available in different ways, individual appointments, group help, and events held in different parts of the UK and overseas. Where we can be released from hurt and pain in our past and receiving peace, joy, love, gentleness in their place.

Recently Malcolm, our administrator, was taking someone for a hospital appointment. As he was leaving, he had to go round a large roundabout where two swans and eight signets were desperately trying to cross the road. The constantly heavy traffic was preventing them crossing. Malcolm was so concerned for these birds that he left the car, stopped all the traffic and immediately the swans walked safely across the road. Love one another, care for one another and pass it on.